Some 238 years after General Gage's troops tasted American lead and resolve in the woods of New England, America experienced Sandy Hook. Arguably the worst mass shooting to occur in the history of this nation. This tragic mass shooting occurred in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012. It's deemed the nation’s worst, because the victims were 20 first graders and 6 adults. All were mercilessly gunned down in the classrooms, offices and corridors of an American elementary school. In my opinion, it is tragedies such as this that epitomize the necessity of extreme gun control reform in America.
Now please don't misunderstand me. I have been a gun enthusiast my entire life. I know how to handle firearms and I know how to hit my designated target. But for me, the Sandy Hook incident drew a line in the sand. We as a people have seen too many senseless acts of cowardice. It's time to do something about this.
month, in an article written by David Badash of “The New Civil Rights Movement,”
it is reported “44% of Republicans think armed revolution may be necessary to
protect American liberties.” Badash
sites poll results released by Fairleigh Dickerson University’s PublicMind as
his source.
in the six months preceding Mr. Badash’s article and following the Sandy Hook
incident, NRA and pro-gun folks across the country have consistently and
repeatedly made two statements as their justification to withhold gun control
reform. First, they need their weapons
for “home protection and to defend themselves against the government.” And second, that criminals don’t register
weapons, so stricter background investigations are pointless.
Each time
I have heard the first remark, I’m compelled to picture in my mind, David
Koresh and the Branch Davidians killed in the Waco standoff.
David Koresh was the
leader of the Branch Davidians religious sect, believing himself to be its
final prophet. Howell legally changed his name to David Koresh on May 15, 1990,
Persian name of Cyrus the Great. A 1993 raid by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the subsequent siege by the FBI ended
with the burning of the Branch Davidian ranch outside of Waco, Texas, in
McLennan County. Koresh, 54 other adults, and 28 children were found dead after
the fire. Courtesy of
Now, can
someone please answer this for me? Do these gun toting, self-proclaimed
vigilante types actually think they stand a chance against the most powerful
military on the planet? Even if they are
armed up the yazoo with state of the art weaponry and an endless supply of
ammo, they don’t have satellites, drones or smart bombs. How long do they think they will survive
against that technology?
and I need clarification here, the NRA and gun lobbyist say the “criminals”
don’t register weapons, so as a result, Congress does virtually nothing. I’m sorry but I’m not seeing any wisdom in
this plan.
How in
the past 6 months, have our congressional leadership made America safer from
Americans with attitudes and firearms? Can’t answer that one? Here’s an easier one then. How many gun deaths have occurred since December
2012? Too broad? Then let’s limit it to
mass shootings. How many mass shootings have occurred in America since Sandy
You may
have difficulty finding these answers as the NRA and gun lobbyists don’t want
this information publicized. Go ahead; try to find out how many shootings there have been since Sandy Hook. If you come up with some solid numbers, post
them, because the rest of us want to know too.
I’m not
hatin, I’m jus sayin…
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