Welcome to Jerome's Dome

Wherever your thoughts may roam, there’s a place for them within the Dome.

About the Dome

Here at the Dome, we strive to discuss varying subject matters, topics and issues. Some of these items may be newsworthy, some may be tabloid gossip, and others just straight up water cooler conversation.


I don’t claim to be an expert of anything. I tout no advanced degrees, certifications, association memberships, or affiliations.


What then, you may ask, do I strive to offer? Only an open mind, open dialogue and something that in many respects seems lost in American society today. That lost item being simply ... some plain everyday common sense.

I will share some ideas, information and opinions. I invite you to share the same. Your comments, feedback and input are most welcome. Or, if you are inclined ... just add your plain two cents.

I’m Jus Sayin'

Just a little something, something, for all of us to ponder.

Peeps For Peeps

Movies, videos and video commentary for your thoughts and viewing pleasure.

Shout Outs!

Acknowledging a few famous, infamous, and familiar folks.

What’s Cooking?
Good eats for sure!  Those that know me, know I enjoy a little dibbling and dabbling in the kitchen so, I’ll post some recipes and you can too.

Quotable Quotes

Memorable messages to live by...

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