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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Government Shutdown: An Act of Treason

After listening to approximately three weeks of rhetoric, repeated threats and nursery rhymes from Capitol Hill, Republicans made good on their intent to shut down the government.  Monday September 30, 2013 at approximately 11:45 p.m., I tuned in to C-SPAN to find out just what I might awaken to the following morning.  It became painfully obvious; the government was destined to shut-down.

Senator Charles Schumer D-NY, said at 12:15 a.m., federal employees, the military, folks on social security and the American public should not be penalized because Congress cannot come to a happy medium.  I fully agree and propose, if Congress cannot resolve their issues and pass a budget, it is the body of Congress that should be penalized. Cut off their pay, privileges and benefits.  And cut them immediately!
WWII Vets cross police lines and barricades to visit the WWII Memorial.        TheGrio

Unfortunately, it is the everyday American that is experiencing the brunt of the first government shutdown in 17 years.

The Lincoln Memorial closed to visitors due to Government Shutdown.    TheGrio
The American People are sick of this ineptness from Capitol Hill. Last year America’s credit rating was forfeited.  Earlier this year we endured “The Sequester” and now this.   At the bottom of all of this nonsense is the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare.
The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare went into effect even those 
congress has not approved funding for it.                               TheGrio

The ACA has survived dozens of votes to repeal it in Congress.  Two presidential elections were fought over its existence and the Supreme Court almost ruled it unconstitutional.  Finally after a Republican reconstruct, the ACA was signed into law.  Let me say that again. It has been signed into law.   

Now Tea Party Republicans refuse to approve a budget to fund this program and want to pull strong arm tactics to force a repeal of the ACA.  

I view this behavior of Republicans to stalemate the government as an act of treason.  It is the responsibility of Congress to work with the President to resolve issues, not create more. Congress works for the People, not corporate sponsors or special interest groups.  They seem to have forgotten that.

It's time Congress quit screwing the nation over and get America moving again.  The People are sick of this.

We need to reform the way Congress works and we need to reform it now.  I urge every American to call, write, email and fax your congressional representatives.  Express your displeasure.  Voice your opinion.  Let Capitol Hill know “The People” are tired of this nonsense.

This is beyond ridiculous! 

I'm not hatin, ... I'm jus sayin…

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