Welcome to Jerome's Dome

Wherever your thoughts may roam, there’s a place for them within the Dome.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

NFL Dreams or Nightmares?

Photo: Wikipedia
By now, all you sports fans have heard about Aaron Hernandez and his June 17th alleged execution style murder of his friend, Odin Lloyd.  

Hernandez allegedly orchestrated the killing of Lloyd because, among other things, Lloyd had information concerning Hernandez’s involvement in two murders in 2012.  Lloyd’s body was found less than 2 miles from the Hernandez residence in North Attleboro, Massachusetts.  

Somebody please tell me, what was this guy thinking?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Believable Witness or Not

Critical Testimony was given today (day three) in the George Zimmerman murder trial from three witnesses.  

First was Jayne Surdyka, who made an emotional 911 call the evening of the shooting and was speaking with authorities when Trayvon was shot.  Her testimony and emotional recording greatly supported the state’s case, and she stood up well to cross examination.  Another witness followed her who didn’t appear very impressive or beneficial to either the defense or prosecution.  Finally, there was the star of the day, Miss Rachel Jeantel , a 19-year old personal friend of Trayvon Martin.  

Miss Jeantel, a reluctant witness, testified she was on the phone with Trayvon moments before his confrontation with Zimmerman.
Rachel Jeantel, the last person to speak with Trayvon Martin before the shooting
Photo from TJMS online

Friday, June 21, 2013

Six Jurors Seated As Judge Makes Ruling

The first day of summer has been a very busy Friday in Sanford, Florida. Recent weeks in this community, just outside of Orlando, have been filled with tension, controversy, and anxiety. Something tells me we've only seen the tip of this iceberg.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Change in the Game

Recently, I had the opportunity to see the award winning HBO political drama entitled “Game Change.” Directed by Jay Roach, this is the story of the 2008 failed presidential campaign of John McCain and Sarah Palin.  I thoroughly enjoyed this film and the campaign memories it refreshed.
Official Movie Poster

Monday, June 17, 2013

"Who Are The True Racists?”

Over the past few days, I skimmed over a few articles regarding Robert Zimmerman, Sr, father of George Zimmerman.  The articles contained excerpts from an ebook Mr. Zimmerman wrote about his son’s case, Florida v. Zimmerman: Uncovering the Malicious Prosecution of My Son, George.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Failure of Congress to Act

It seems at every turn we are besieged by reports of acts of violence, murder and senseless death. Sadly, this is an issue striking at the very heart of every community in America.  If we are fortunate enough not to have experienced first or second hand the effects of gun violence, we have all been touched by one of the many tragic and cowardly acts occurring throughout our country.

This morning as I logged on and began to peruse the events of the day, I encountered one story after another with this one common link.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Media Madness

Does the American media machine, in all its forms, influence the way America thinks?  What we buy?  The decisions we make?  What each and every one of us believes? There is absolutely no doubt that it does.  And if so, does it stop there?

These Dogs Aren't Kosher

Where are today’s champions of the common man?  Who is the Ralph Nader of the new millennium?  If he or she is out there, we really could use their assistance.  It appears to me these days we, the American consumers are getting screwed at every turn.   What’s the latest twist of the screw? Hot dogs!  That’s right, Hot Dogs.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jerome's Gumbo


1 lb chicken (thighs recommended)  1 lb shrimp, deveined and peeled
1 lb crabmeat (lump preferred, but not required)  1 lb bay scallops
1 lb cajun (Andouille) sausage  1 lb frozen cut okra
1 can whole peeled tomatoes  1 can tomato sauce
2 sticks butter/ margarine  ½ c flour
2 Tbl Gumbo File’  4 medium onions, chopped finely
2 stalks of celery, chopped finely  4 chicken bouillon cubes
½ tsp cayenne pepper (season to taste)  ½ tsp freshly pressed garlic
½ tsp black pepper (season to taste)  ½ tsp Old Bay Seasoning